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Creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.
Increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine.
Produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach through Facebook Ads, Instagram ads and much more.
Assessing of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. This analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context to identify opportunities and threats.

Why choosing us

We know how to analyze your target market, segment audiences, and create buyer personas in order to transform the way you market your business online. Our digital solutions are tailored to any business, irrespective of industry or the size of your operations.


We revise all your web analytics and measurements, improve them if needed. Then we strategized, execute and iterate. Upon finding the sweet spots, we start scaling up to generate the highest possible return for your business


We’re constantly monitoring performance metrics and analytics to ensure we drive a positive ROI for your business. Monthly performance reports provide a snapshot of activities and results, while communicating valuable insights that will help your business scale.

Market Research

We’ll perform market research to understand your target market, competitive positioning, and develop a list of valuable audience personas. With this, we’ll devise an effective targeting strategy that will increase relevant traffic to your website.


All digital marketers have their favourites. We do have them as well. We excel in Google Search & Display Network, Facebook Ads and eCommerce.

Why choosing us

The key to our success is that we embrace collaboration and demand that our strategists, designers and project managers work closely and directly with our


We specialize in design-led brand
communication and digital innovation


We specialize in design-led brand
communication and digital innovation


We specialize in design-led brand
communication and digital innovation


We specialize in design-led brand
communication and digital innovation


Pay Per Click

We pick the best possible pay per click mix for your business, ranging from Google AdWords (Search, Display, YouTube, Shopping, Gmail Ads, Mobile Apps), Facebook Ads, Instaram Ads, Bing Ads to many more.


Google Analytics and supplementary solutions help you collect tons of information. Our experts help you install such tools, measure and interpret all the touchpoints and get actionable insights from the mess.



Forget last click attribution. You need a holistic approach to your offline and online marketing channels. Some tend to convert better, whereas other raise awareness. We help you achieve your business goals with the right channels.

Content Marketing & SEO


From content creation to technical, On-Page and Off-Page SEO, we can help you generate free by default traffic, which can increase your brand recognition and supplement your paid advertising efforts.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Bringing prospects is the easy part. Converting them is the hard one. We help you optimise your website towards your business goals, thus reducing your cost per acquisition.

Email Marketing

Email is one of the cheapest and most effective online marketing tools. We help you grow and monetize your database enables you to retarget your prospects, profile your customers, create lookalike audiences.


Faces-400x400px-1_1_30 (Demo)
Frank P
OGN Technologies

They are the kind of people who can bring creative ideas to any situation and make things happen. They are commercially aware, conscientious and diligent

Faces-400x400px-1_1_05 (Demo)
Bill Aboud
Roxor Inc

They think, they care and they are fun. It’s very inspirational to work with people who have as much professional experience as they do and who actually take all the trouble to understand us.


Contact us

Montreal, Quebec

Phone: 514-825-3445


Fax: 514-500-9756

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